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New Moon in Virgo, Mars in Gemini and Mercury Retrograde in Libra - Oh My!

Updated: Aug 27, 2022


New Moon in Virgo

The New Moon in Virgo will be exact on the 27th August at 9:15 am BST / 4:15 am EST. Virgo is the sign that governs the nervous and digestive system, health and wellness, daily routines, organisation, efficiency and order. These themes will be highlighted as we embark on a new lunar cycle, inspiring us to get our lives in check. Depending on where this lunar transit is taking place, i.e. which House Virgo rules in your chart, will determine the area of your life that's being lit up. Remember Virgo is ruled by Mercury and this is key to remember as we look at all the other transits happening now and upcoming.

Mars in Gemini

Mars will be in Gemini from the 20th August 2022 until 23 March 2023, a whopping 7 months! This typically fast moving planet is usually in any sign for approximately 6 weeks however, this is not unusual because the red planet will be retrograde for most of this time leading to the slow pace in Gemini.

We will begin to feel and experience the retrograde energy from 3 September due to the pre-retrograde shadow phase. Mars then goes retrograde from the 30 October 2022 until the 12 January 2023 and then into post-shadow phase until 15 March 2023.

Mars rules action, power, aggression, impulse, stamina, sexuality, weapons and surgery. Gemini, an air sign, is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication.

Mars, Mercury and Gemini all have characteristics of quickness and speed. It's processing lots of information and not necessarily devoting to any one thought but wanting to embrace them all. It's (honestly) speak first, think after. It's a war of words and no one is willing to back down.

On the flip side it's also motivating us to speak up in a healthy way and giving us the energy to multi-task like none other. Those ideas that have been floating round in our minds for the longest, we might suddenly have the urge and the motivation to actually bring them into life.

Again like all transits how this will impact you will depend on your birth chart and where Mars is transiting for you personally. The mutable signs Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and of course Gemini will be most impacted especially rising signs.

Mercury Retorgrade

Mercury will be in pre-retrograde shadow from 20 August (same day Mars moves into Gemini!) and goes retrograde from 9 September until 1 October 2022. The post-retrograde phase lasts until 7 October 2022. The retrograde will be in Libra, the sign of romantic and business relationships.

By now we've all heard so much about Mercury Retrograde, the do's and don'ts - read and re-read documents, take extra time to get to your outings, don't start any new projects - we've heard it all. However this retrograde also has the added effect of Mars Retrograde in Gemini - remember Gemini is ruled by Mercury! This coupled with Mercury Retrograde in the sign of relationships - THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK! Remember once those words leave your mouth there's no going back.

With Libra the sign of balance and togetherness, watch out for agreeing for the sake of it, and just wanting to be a part of something. All of this air energy makes me think scamming LMAO! I swear that just came to mind and hey I said it. Just be careful out there. When we think in terms of Tarot, The Lovers is the card associated with Gemini. Traditionally this card is also about making ethical decisions! Justice is the card associated with Libra. Y'all see where I'm going here?

In the Sacred Circle I'll talk more about all of this energy and it's a whole lot! Click the link below to join the live chat.

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