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The Word of The Moment - COURAGE

I am so very grateful for the Sacred Circle! We always meet in absolute beautiful communion, we share and uplift each other and I always gain so much insight and support that leaves me feeling light, assured and loved.

As I prepared for our latest meet up this past Sunday, I went in with so many doubts and worries, questioning if I should quit this work? What's my next step? Who am I? What am I? So many questions. Eclipse season in full effect.

As always we shared honestly, hearts open, holding space for each other.

As I was preparing for the session, collecting the cards, my eyes landed on the Angels of Atlantis deck and I heard "start here". So I did just that and the very first message was COURAGE - you really can't make the ish up! A message from Archangel Hanael - The Sacred Warrior.

Hanael brought the message to have the courage to fulfill our truth, our life's mission, our purpose, to live in joy, to thrive and not just survive, to be strong spiritual warriors. Haneal is there to support and protect us as we manoeuvre our way through life's ups and downs, twists and turns. We are reminded we are never alone.

Recently I've seen so many messages reminding me that as much divine support we have to live freely and fully there is equal malevolent push back trying to trip us up and push us off our divine paths. NOT TODAY SATAN!

I am reminded that with each breath we have the opportunity to refresh and strengthen our resolute. To move bravely through our current experience.


I will however allow myself the grace to rest, incubate, create and flow all in Divine timing.

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